24 starfruit free pictures

Question:  I am looking starfruit free pictures.  I have a health blog and I am about to post an article about starfruit or what is commonly know in Asia as Carambola or Kamias.  Where can I find free pictures I can use for my blog.  I am looking for a picture I can use free of charge?  I will be crediting the owner of the picture.  I just don't have funds to purchase pictures as of the moment.  I thought about taking quick photography lessons but I know there are photo blogs out there that allows use of their pictures for free. 
Answer:   Here are 24 of my practice shots of kamias or Starfruit.  Feel free to download and use these pictures.  I also have a lot of food  pictures so feel free to check them out.  I also have a ton of pistachios if you are interested.  Goodluck!

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