Squirrel free picture for commercial use or blog use

Squirrel free picture for commercial use or blog use
Squirrel free picture for commercial use or blog use
Description of free picture: This was taken in a farm somewhere in Asheville, North Carolina.  We were driving back home when I noticed many squirrels just hanging out on a fence.  This is one of those who did not mind being photographed.
Keywords: squirrel on a fence, big squirrel eyes
Style: unedited |Camera: Sony Nex C3
Photo License: Public Domain. You can use this image for commercial or personal purposes. No need to ask for permission. It is not required but please consider a backlink to this blog when using our images.
How can I make money from this public domain picture: This can be edited and can be used as an illustration like for a baby book.  This can be the S- for squirrel or someone even more creative can use this in an e-book about a poem where the subject is a squirrel.

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