10 commercial use free pictures for blogs part 11

Description:  Here's another collection of commercial use free pictures.  You can use any of these pictures to make your blog posts stand out with images.  I think blog entries with images are easier to understand and they give life to the texts.
Keywords:  flower, houses, buildings, food, banana, oranges

flower with pink petals
flower with pink petals
The above flower picture can be used as a design on Cafe Press products, Who knows, you may actually make money out of this picture.

fried salmon free picture
fried salmon free picture
If you are planning a blog post about fried salmon, this may be a good illustration to add color to your blog.

two men on the street asking for money for jokes
two men on the street asking for money for jokes
oranges and bananas
oranges and bananas
leaf on the floor
leaf on the floor
houses, old picture
houses, old picture
brick houses
brick houses
old postal building
old postal building
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