Question: Where can I find pomegranate free pictures? I have a project about this fruit and I was hoping to use free pictures as my illustration. My project is about the types of pomegranates as well as their sources and pictures will definitely improve my presentation.
Answer: Here are 71 pictures you can use. I remember eating this unusual fruit when I was young back in the Philippines. We call it "granada" which literally means "grenade". This is because of the similar shape of an early grenade design and the fruit. Feel free to check out my other free fruit pictures like the star fruit, banana, oranges, and many more.

Answer: Here are 71 pictures you can use. I remember eating this unusual fruit when I was young back in the Philippines. We call it "granada" which literally means "grenade". This is because of the similar shape of an early grenade design and the fruit. Feel free to check out my other free fruit pictures like the star fruit, banana, oranges, and many more.