Product Photography At Home: Beginner to Intermediate Photography Tips | 3 Quick Tips
What others say:
Quinton Marchand:
I do product photography full time in a professional studio and these are great tips! Though, I would try to stay away from incandescent bulbs - you can get $50 off brand speedlite and a transmitter that will do just fine. Black and white tri-fold foam core boards are my best friend for bouncing and flagging light. I like using strobes and hot lights for different scenarios, I love the power of the strobe, but hot lights are easier to work with for mirrorless cameras. I find that proper white balance and color can be difficult when working with different sources of light so i always throw a color checker in a test shot to make it easier in post, they are way more expensive than they need to be but there are $15 alternatives. We have huge seamless paper backdrops in the studio, but they are a pain to swap out by myself, so I usually just stick with a light gray then mask and use a gradient map in Photoshop to change the back drop color. The blue sticky tack teachers use is great for propping up or holding small products in place.